♥♥ راسلنا لوضع اعلانك او من خلال شراء خدماتنا من خمسات وستحصل على مميزات اعلانية خيالية ♥♥
♥♥ ادعوا اصدقائك للاشتراك معنا لتصل جميع اعلانات التوظيف واخر الاخبار والمواضيع الى بريدكم الالكترونى مباشرة ♥♥
♥♥ ضع إعلانك معنا مجانا * وبدون تسجيل * ( نحقق لك الاشهار والانتشار وزيادة الاعضاء والزوار لدينا باك لينك عالي وارشفة عالية ومشاركات عبر التواصل الاجتماعي ) ♥♥
♥♥ ( لمتابعة آخر الاعلانات والوظائف والمواضيع والاخبار أولا بأول يرجى مراجعة موقعنا من كل حين لآخر حيث يتم النشر وبشكل مستمر لكافة المواضيع المتنوعة والهامة ) ♥♥
* موقع بلا حدود * يتم تفعيل الحساب خلال 24 ساعة من قبل ادارة المنتدى او من خلال ايميل تسجيل العضو مباشرة *
موضوع: Lower from Market Price 186 Fully-Finished Store In Champs Elysees الثلاثاء سبتمبر 20, 2022 1:26 am
اذا احتوت المشاركة صورا - قم بالضغط عليها لعرضها بحجمها الطبيعي
موقع بلا حدود
Enjoy a lot of exclusive features as soon as you book your new investment unit The real estate developer took care of the achievement of luxury in all its forms from the beginning, and this appeared in allocating the largest space for green spaces, services, and complete facilities that achieve the maximum levels of luxury for all owners and visitors of Champs Elysees units, and Champs Elysees Mall contains many exceptional features that cannot be mentioned all such as
The architectural designs are very luxurious, sophisticated, and modern, as all units overlook charming landscapes that give the soul comfort, peace, and tranquility. Reliance on renewable solar energy as an alternative source of energy when electricity is cut off because it is clean energy that does not pollute the environment. Electric elevators throughout the project to make it easier for customers to move between floors and some of them, and there are escalators. The location of Champs Elysees Mall is distinguished by the fact that it will receive a great reception from visitors and customers due to its proximity to all the vital and active areas in New Capital, and this is to ensure the success of your investment. A high-quality automatic fire alarm system and there are emergency exits. A large and secure garage that can accommodate a large number of cars. A place designated to hold prayers, so that you do not have to leave Champs Elysees at any time. Champs Elysees Mall has private entrances for unit owners, and private entrances for customers, to prevent overcrowding. Special places to receive visitors offering their services at the highest level of sophistication. Pyramids took care of the infrastructure of Champs Elysees mall, with the provision of bathrooms on all floors, some for owners and others for visitors. Dedicated seating areas amidst the green spaces for more luxury. Unit types available inside Champs Elysees Mall Champs Elysees Mall is your address for investment, as it is a huge mall that includes many administrative, commercial, and medical units of various sizes. The real estate developer has been keen to provide them in several forms to suit all activities that meet the desire of all investors, as it has a wonderful view of the most beautiful landscapes.
The company also worked to provide the units using the best modern methods of design and finishing through the use of a group of the most skilled engineers and experts in the field of engineering designs to enjoy wonderful and luxurious designs that suit all tastes, and there are external spaces for commercial units such as restaurants, cafes, and shops.
Champs Elysees Project includes 600 different units, and the spaces start from 20 square meters up to 200 square meters. All units are delivered in a fully finished system to ensure that you do not bear the burden of this stage and waste your time. Prices and payment systems provided by Pyramids in Champs Elysees New Capital Prices inside Champs Elysees Mall are very easy to help you realize your dream and enjoy your new integrated project in New Capital, and enjoy limitless luxury, and the real estate developer guarantees you a great return on investment, and the price per square meter inside Champs Elysees Project starts from 80,000 EGP up to 110,000 EGP, as for the announced payment systems, they were put in place over long periods, up to 10 years, so as not to burden you with any burdens.
Paying a contract downpayment of 5% of the total unit price, and the first two payments are to be paid during the first three years, and the rest of the amount is to be paid in installments over 7 years without interest. You can pay a downpayment of 5% of the total unit price, then 5% is paid three months after the contract date, and the rest of the unit price is paid in installments over 8 years, in equal installments, and without interest. Paying a 5% downpayment of the total unit price, then another 5% after 3 months, and the rest in installments over 10 years, and two payments are to be made during the first three years. https://realestate.eg/en/28433-commercial-in-new-administrative-capital-champs-elysees-compound " ======================================================= "
هام جداً: قوانين المساهمة في المواضيع. انقر هنا للمعاينة
احترم مواضيع الآخرين ليحترم الآخرون مواضيعك لا تحتكر ال موضوع لنفسك بإرسال عدة مساهماتمتتالية عند طرح موضوع يجب أن تتأكد أن عنوان الموضوع مناسب او لا تحل بحسن الخلق و بأدب الحوار و النقاش < لا تنس أن اختلاف الرأي لا يفسد للود قضية, فلاتتهجم على عضو بدعوى أنه لا يشاطرك الرأي < ان قطعت عهدآ مع عضو فأوفي بوعدك لأنه دين عليك إن حصل خلاف بينك و بين عضو حول مسألة ما فلا تناقشا المشكله على العام بل على الخاص ان احترمت هذه الشروط البسيطة, ضمنت حقوقك و عرفت واجباتك. و هذه افضل طريقة تضمن بها لنفسك ثم لمساهماتك و مواضيعك البقاء و لمنتداك الإزدهار في موقعنا إدارة موقع بلا حدود
موقع بلا حدود موقع شامل وعام يتم طرح المواضع الهامة واخر الاخبار والرياضة والالعاب, يتحلى الموقع بمواضيع ومنشورات عامة تفيد المجتمع كما يمكنكم وضع اعلاناتكم مجانا وبدون تسجيل, منتجات, اعلانات مبوبة, مواقع, منتديات, أراضي, عقارات, شقق, سيارات, شركات, محال تجارية, اخرى. . .
لا مانع من الاقتباس واعادة النشر شريطة ذكر المصدر موقع بلا حدود. الآراء والتعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي أصحابها فقط - اقرأ قوانين الموقعتصميم منتديات هندسة بلا حدود نبيل الدم