Lower from Market Price 186 Fully-Finished Store In Podia Tower 0610
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Lower from Market Price 186 Fully-Finished Store In Podia Tower
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الصورة الرمزية

الاوسمة الخاصة الاوسمة الخاصة : عضو مستجد
عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 2038

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موضوع: Lower from Market Price 186 Fully-Finished Store In Podia Tower Lower from Market Price 186 Fully-Finished Store In Podia Tower I_icon_minitimeالإثنين سبتمبر 19, 2022 4:28 am

اذا احتوت المشاركة صورا - قم بالضغط عليها لعرضها بحجمها الطبيعي

موقع بلا حدود

Podia Tower New Capital

Prices and payment systems in Podia Tower
Start a new and luxurious life with a successful investment with the highest return on profits within Podia Tower New Capital!

The real estate developer of the mall implemented it in an amazing engineering style, in harmony with the wonderful landscapes around it. Which constitutes a unique canvas that attracts many customers and entrepreneurs to purchase units in it, and the matter did not stop there, but Podia Tower, the Administrative Capital, includes a variety of basic and entertainment services and exceptional features that make everything you dream of in your hands.

Very competitive prices were announced within podia project in order to match the desires and financial capabilities of a large segment of investors, as follows:

Commercial units: the price per square meter starts from 45,000 EGP in the case of cash payment, and starts from 90,000 EGP in installments in Podia.
Administrative offices: the price per square meter starts from 12,500 EGP in case of cash payment in Podia Project.
Clinics and medical units: the price per square meter starts from 25,000 EGP upon installments inside Podia mall New Capital.
The customer pays an 8% maintenance deposit.
There is a 10% discount for a limited time for all units within Podia Tower, the Administrative Capital, and a 40% discount in case of cash payment.
As for the payment systems available inside the mall, they are flexible and convenient to facilitate customers in the payment process. They extend up to 12 years and are as follows:

Pay 8% as a contract downpayment of the unit value, and pay the rest in equal installments within 6 years.
12% down payment of the unit value, and the rest in equal installments within 7 years.
Pay 20% of the contracted downpayment of the unit value, and pay the rest in equal installments within 8 years.
Pay 25% of the contracted downpayment of the unit value, and pay the rest in equal installments within 9 years.
30% down payment of the unit value, and the rest in equal installments within 10 years.
Pay 40% of the contracted downpayment of the unit value, and pay the rest in equal installments within 12 years.
As for the method of reservation and delivery of units within Podia Tower, the Administrative Capital, they are:

The customer pays 40,000 Egyptian pounds in advance of the value of the commercial units, and it will be delivered to the clam.
The customer pays 20,000 Egyptian pounds in advance for the value of the administrative and medical units, and they will be delivered with the full finishing system and air conditioning in Podia New Capital.
Do not think too much and hurry up to own your luxury unit now inside the Administrative Capital Platform Mall, and for more details, contact us!

The real estate developer of Manasat Tower Mall, the Administrative Capital
Manasat Real Estate Development is a leading real estate developer in the Egyptian market with a history of distinguished achievements that extends back to more than 130 years, where it was founded by a group of the most important experts and architects, and obtained 3 ISO certificates, and one of the most prominent founders of the company (Rep. Amin Masoud - Engineer Sherif Selim).

Podia Tower, the Administrative Capital, is one of the most important investment projects implemented by Menassat in cooperation with the engineering consultant Pinnacle Egypt, in an attractive strategic location near the main roads, axes, and vital places, and is replete with a variety of features and services that meet the different needs of its customers, as well as it is designed with the most accurate construction methods and the best Building materials to suit lovers of good taste.
" ======================================================= "

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الموضوع الأصلي : Lower from Market Price 186 Fully-Finished Store In Podia Tower // المصدر : موقع بلا حدود // الكاتب : نوران نور

توقيع العضو ; نوران نور

Lower from Market Price 186 Fully-Finished Store In Podia Tower

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