For Sale with Installment A Office 115m Ground Floor in Boulevard Tower Mall New Capital 0610
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For Sale with Installment A Office 115m Ground Floor in Boulevard Tower Mall New Capital
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الصورة الرمزية

الاوسمة الخاصة الاوسمة الخاصة : عضو مستجد
عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 2038

وسائل الإتصال:

موضوع: For Sale with Installment A Office 115m Ground Floor in Boulevard Tower Mall New Capital For Sale with Installment A Office 115m Ground Floor in Boulevard Tower Mall New Capital I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء سبتمبر 20, 2022 5:47 pm

اذا احتوت المشاركة صورا - قم بالضغط عليها لعرضها بحجمها الطبيعي

موقع بلا حدود

Boulevard Tower location
Many developers are trying to provide many services in their projects, and Infinity Investments was one of the major companies that started its architectural work in New Capital, the most important of which is Boulevard Tower New Capital, which has an important and essential location in the heart of the capital.

There are many malls in the capital, but not all of them are Boulevard Tower because its first feature is the strategic location in the famous Down Town area, which is close to several important places in the capital.

The mall is close to distinguished places in the capital, including neighborhoods, commercial centers, and major residential areas, and this diversity gives it more than one opportunity to be one of the largest malls in the city and provides owners of large projects with several elements of success for their various activities in Boulevard Tower New Capital.

Here are some places near Boulevard Tower New Capital:

Boulevard New Capital is located inside Downtown Area with a width of up to 90 meters.
Boulevard Tower is near the new monorail station, which is 2 minutes away from it, which makes it easy to go there.
There are also many neighborhoods near the project, including the financial and business district and the government district as well.
Boulevard Tower New Capital is about 3 minutes away from Misr Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the city.
It is also located directly in front of the oil companies.
As for New Capital Airport, it is only 30 minutes away from the mall.
Boulevard is also a short distance from the gold market.
Boulevard Mall is also not far from Al Masa Hotel and Pavo Tower.
There are many advantages in the place as it overlooks more than one corner at the same time, both from the eastern and western sides as well.

Boulevard Tower New Capital Services
The diversity of services is one of the distinctive things that the developer has provided, and they are already many, including the following:

A group of rooms that have been designated for major meetings and seminars and are fully equipped to welcome you.

In addition, there is a section dedicated to the reception and provision of information services for visitors.
Boulevard Mall New Capital also has fully equipped air-conditioners to provide service to the place.
There is a large waiting area for visitors, and some rooms equipped for VIP visitors inside Boulevard Mall New Capital.
The presence of high-speed internet and display screens spread throughout Boulevard Mall.
In addition to a distinguished guarding system with many security men and high-quality surveillance cameras, which contributes to ensuring security within Boulevard Mall New Capital.
In addition, there are fully equipped fire extinguishing systems for any emergency in Boulevard Project New Administrative Capital.
A large area with many restaurants and cafes.
A private entrance to the medical units was also provided in Boulevard Mall New Administrative Capital.
In addition, there is a children's area with many fun games for them.
There are elevators and stairs to facilitate movement around Boulevard Project New Administrative Capital.
Regular maintenance and cleaning teams to maintain the aesthetic appearance of Boulevard Project.
A large garage in the place provides many parking spaces, which reduces crowding and overcrowding in Boulevard Project New Administrative Capital.
Paved roads for people of determination that help them move freely in Boulevard Project New Capital.

The real estate developer and previous business
Infinity is one of the most important companies in New Administrative Capital, which has contributed to more than one distinguished project, and they have many diverse services, which provide customers with a distinctive work environment, and among these projects is Boulevard Tower New Capital, which is characterized as one of the best-integrated towers in the city.

The company also has a large and important business newspaper, including:

Engineering supervision of the Waterway 2 project.
Trivium Project.
Engineering implementation of the La Vista project.
Construction of the commercial area in New Alamein.
Supervising the implementation of The First Mall.
Implementation and development of the Patio.
HUP50  Project Implementation
" ======================================================= "

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الموضوع الأصلي : For Sale with Installment A Office 115m Ground Floor in Boulevard Tower Mall New Capital // المصدر : موقع بلا حدود // الكاتب : نوران نور

توقيع العضو ; نوران نور

For Sale with Installment A Office 115m Ground Floor in Boulevard Tower Mall New Capital

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