Office 57m for Sale in a Great Location at the Lowest Price in Panorama Business Center New Capital 0610
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ضع إعلانك معنا مجانا * وبدون تسجيل * Office 57m for Sale in a Great Location at the Lowest Price in Panorama Business Center New Capital Images21


بيانات كاتب الموضوع
Office 57m for Sale in a Great Location at the Lowest Price in Panorama Business Center New Capital
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الصورة الرمزية

الاوسمة الخاصة الاوسمة الخاصة : عضو مستجد
عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 2038

وسائل الإتصال:

موضوع: Office 57m for Sale in a Great Location at the Lowest Price in Panorama Business Center New Capital Office 57m for Sale in a Great Location at the Lowest Price in Panorama Business Center New Capital I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء سبتمبر 20, 2022 3:14 pm

اذا احتوت المشاركة صورا - قم بالضغط عليها لعرضها بحجمها الطبيعي

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Panorama Business Center New Capital
There are many projects in the capital at the moment, but here Panorama Development is distinguished and the lights are shedding light on one of its latest projects in New Capital, which is the distinctive Panorama Business Center Mall New Capital.

In addition, Panorama Business Center New Capital has many important features that play without unique in that the entire project is in a different effort and provides many opportunities to attract customers, especially those who are interested in administrative and commercial fields.

In Panorama Business Center New Capital, there is a set of various services that the company that developed the mall was able to employ correctly in the place and provide customers with many advantages, including location, space, and other things that add a lot to the entire project.

In this article, we have worked to provide you with more than one information and details you want to know about Panorama Business Center New Capital ... so follow us.

Panorama Business Center location
One of the important things that helped New Capital to be one of the largest modern Egyptian cities was that the state worked to make one of the most important architectural edifices in the current century, attention was paid to New Capital supporting sustainable development and being an environmentally friendly place.

There are also many other features in New Administrative Capital that make it a special place in Al-Aal and add a lot to the various projects set up in it, and indeed this is what Panorama Development realized and chose the location of its latest project, Panorama Business Center Mall.

Panorama Business Center New Capital is distinguished by being located on a very special plot of land and on a main street with a width of up to 70 meters, and another destination with a street width of up to 45 meters, meaning that it has a very distinct view of more than one other place in the capital.

Here are some of the distinctive places and important areas located near Panorama Business Center New Capital:

Panorama Business Center New Capital is located in front of petroleum and technology companies, and in front of the Data Center, which is one of the largest information centers in New Capital.
A very short distance from the central park inside Panorama Business Center.
Panorama Business Center is also not far from more than an important residential complex and neighborhood, which increases the population density near it.
Panorama Business Center New Capital is not far from the famous downtown area.
As for the presidential district, it is a few minutes away from Panorama Business Center.
Panorama Business Center is also minutes away from the government district and the parliament.
Another advantage of the location is that it is not far from the Green River Park, as well as the Mohammed bin Zayed axis, which makes it easy for visitors to reach the place easily.
The Opera House and Al Masa Hotel are also close to Panorama Business Center New Capital.
There are a large number of malls located near it, including Jeval Mall and Central 33 Mall.
Architectural design in Panorama Business Center Mall
The architectural design in Panorama Business Center Mall New Administrative Capital is one of its features that contributed greatly to obtaining a great deal of interest from investors as well as entrepreneurs, and the design is distinctive and allows them to own units suitable for more than one activity and has a number of spaces that make there greater freedom of choice.

Enjoy natural lighting all day without causing any disturbance or noise is one of the advantages of the place as it contains distinctive glass facades that make the customer can get spaciousness in the unit and enjoy looking at the landscape in the place without leaving his office and also provides natural lighting for the unit in Panorama Business Center New Capital.

The glass facades that surround the mall and its units indicate that there is more than one other advantage, including the presence of very well-divided spaces in order to preserve privacy and also provide distance from any noise and this builds a better working environment for customers in Panorama Business Center.

There is also great diversity in the units offered in the project, including the administrative and commercial, with various spaces, and this makes them commensurate with more than one activity, in addition to allocating places for services and important facilities for the unit so that it is at a high level of comfort in the place, and the distribution of units was as follows:

The first, ground, and second floors are also allocated to commercial units in Panorama Business Center.
The remaining floors are for administrative units and offices with different spaces.
All this distinction was worked on by the engineering consultancy company ACE and its owner, Engineer Muharram Bakhoum, and there is also a company that oversees the operation of Panorama Business Center Mall, EGY Pro Company, which made the place different.
" ======================================================= "

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الموضوع الأصلي : Office 57m for Sale in a Great Location at the Lowest Price in Panorama Business Center New Capital // المصدر : موقع بلا حدود // الكاتب : نوران نور

توقيع العضو ; نوران نور

Office 57m for Sale in a Great Location at the Lowest Price in Panorama Business Center New Capital

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