Store For Sale At Eastmain New Cairo 0610
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Store For Sale At Eastmain New Cairo
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الصورة الرمزية

الاوسمة الخاصة الاوسمة الخاصة : عضو مستجد
عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 1967

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موضوع: Store For Sale At Eastmain New Cairo Store For Sale At Eastmain New Cairo I_icon_minitimeالإثنين سبتمبر 19, 2022 4:44 pm

اذا احتوت المشاركة صورا - قم بالضغط عليها لعرضها بحجمها الطبيعي

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Features of Eastmain Mall Fifth Settlement
There are many other features in Eastmain Mall New Cairo, and they really carry a big difference, which allows the person to get a plentiful amount of the important elements that must be available in the premises of his project and contribute to the project being different.

In this paragraph, we mention to you a number of the various advantages found in the mall, which are as follows:

A large variety of units available within the project, including commercial, administrative and medical units in Eastmain Mall New Cairo.
Also, the spaces are one of the elements of distinction because you can simply find your optimal choice in the project and easily inside Eastmain Mall.
The geographical location that allows Eastmain to be close to several important and essential places, especially schools, universities, and many major institutions.
Being in a vital place in one of the best areas of New Cairo, which is the Golden Square in Fifth Settlement.
The population density is considered one of the most important things in Eastmain Mall New Cairo, because it is close to major residential complexes, including Mivida, Madinaty, and others.
The architectural design of the project was able to take advantage of all the spaces in the very large space of the place, which allowed different types and spaces of units in Eastmain Mall.
The project also has a lot of large interstitial spaces and resting places that provide calm for you inside Eastmain Project.
Strong infrastructure that can withstand this large amount of facilities located in Eastmain Mall.
In addition to the wide green spaces available to you in and around Eastmain Project, which work to enjoy this aesthetic view.
Glass facades give a wide space and also make you look out over the wide landscape in the vicinity of the mall in a distinctive way.

Eastmain New Cairo Services
Services are one of the important elements that the developers provide in the projects they undertake because they are a key ingredient in the success of the various businesses and projects in the place, and these services are very diverse and contain many details that are in the interest of the customer in general.

Indeed, Mobco Development was able to make its project one of the integrated architectural models in Fifth Settlement, and this supported it in attracting customers to it and those looking for advanced places to set up various projects in the mall.

Here are some of the services and facilities available in Eastmain Mall New Cairo, as follows:

An integrated security system with many surveillance cameras and guards deployed in more than one place inside and outside Eastmain Project to maintain security.
A garage on a very large land space, which can accommodate more than 2000 cars, and it is fully secured in Eastmain Project.
In addition, there is a dedicated area for restaurants and cafes, which provide you with special resting places inside Eastmain Project New Capital.
A large gym on the premises, as well as a health club on a large space and equipped to the highest standard.
Places designated to receive visitors.
Providing the project with modern systems in unit management and advanced technologies that provide customers with greater ease in controlling your unit in Eastmain Project New Capital.
Intelligent systems in that cleanliness that would preserve the environment and not cause pollution and dispose of waste safely.
In addition to the maintenance teams working around the clock so that the place is clean and kept in the best condition in Eastmain Project New Capital.

Spaces and units types of Eastmain Mall Fifth Settlement
The space of ​​the project is considered one of the most important features in it because it is built on a space of ​​13 acres, equivalent to 54,600 square meters, and it is a really large space and has a truly different architectural design and carries more than important engineering details and serves customers in the place in the best way.
" ======================================================= "

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الموضوع الأصلي : Store For Sale At Eastmain New Cairo // المصدر : موقع بلا حدود // الكاتب : نوران نور

توقيع العضو ; نوران نور

Store For Sale At Eastmain New Cairo

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