Store for sale in East Lane 250m² 0610
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* موقع بلا حدود * يتم تفعيل الحساب خلال 24 ساعة من قبل ادارة المنتدى او من خلال ايميل تسجيل العضو مباشرة *

ضع إعلانك معنا مجانا * وبدون تسجيل * Store for sale in East Lane 250m² Images21


بيانات كاتب الموضوع
Store for sale in East Lane 250m²
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
الصورة الرمزية

الاوسمة الخاصة الاوسمة الخاصة : عضو مستجد
عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 1967

وسائل الإتصال:

موضوع: Store for sale in East Lane 250m² Store for sale in East Lane 250m² I_icon_minitimeالإثنين سبتمبر 19, 2022 3:32 am

اذا احتوت المشاركة صورا - قم بالضغط عليها لعرضها بحجمها الطبيعي

موقع بلا حدود

East Lane New Cairo

Spaces and types of units in East Lane New Cairo
Luxury and sophistication are the passwords in the East Lane Mall, which was worked on by Urban Lines Real Estate Company, and the developer was keen that the place has many important details that allow the customer to obtain the full advantages he wants from calm and comfort and also choose the space that suits his project .

This architectural edifice was built on a large space of ​​about 5000 square meters, and care was also taken to exploit all the spaces in the place in order for the client to find all the ways that create a very good working environment for him.

The units in East Lane New Cairo varied between administrative and commercial, which have been fully finished, and the space of the units starts from 55 square meters, and there are larger than this to suit restaurants and also the headquarters of large companies, and there are many services in the place that certainly suit the design.

The developer company also took care to have green space around the place, which was equipped with comfortable seats so that there was room for rest and enjoying the beauty of nature in the vicinity of East Lane, and also all this beauty was provided at special prices and very serious payment systems, which we will learn about in the following.

East Lane New Cairo Prices and Payment System
The prices are one of the great advantages of East Lane New Cairo, which has been worked on to be one of the largest malls located specifically in Fifth Settlement on the famous South Teseen Street.

There are many important things that the developer has taken care of so that the place is different from the rest of the projects in the vicinity of the place, and also the company was keen to have all of this available at very good prices and payment systems that enable you to get your unit most easily.

Prices and payment systems in East Lane Mall Fifth Settlement:

The price per square meter in East Lane Mall starts from 65 thousand Egyptian pounds.
Payment system: the customer can pay 10% of the unit value and pay the rest of the amount over a full 6 years.
Or work to deliver the units with a complete finishing system so that you can start work immediately.
Many of the important features and services provided by the owner company in East Lane New Cairo, whether in the offered spaces or the location, and the distinctive prices that were not attached to the convenient payment systems so that you can get an integrated unit as soon as possible.

The Real estate developer and previous business
Urbnlanes Developments is one of the great Kuwaiti Emil Abdullah companies that has been working in the field of real estate development for more than 20 years and has a great record in this field.

There is more than one project for the company, as it works continuously to develop the units and projects that it offers to customers to be more suitable with their needs and also provide them with a distinctive work environment that helps them develop their business for the better.

Previous Works of Urbnlanes Developments:

The company owns Levels Business Tower New Capital.
It has also worked on the development of many major institutions located in the State of Kuwait.
In addition to the great awards that it was able to receive throughout its establishment for its work in more than 60 projects and about 20 towers.
" ======================================================= "

" انتهى الاعلان او الموضوع او الخبر "

خبير سيو تواصل معي : خبير سيو

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" فضلا وليس امرا شارك الموضع مع الجميع عبر المواقع لتعم الفائدة "

الموضوع الأصلي : Store for sale in East Lane 250m² // المصدر : موقع بلا حدود // الكاتب : نوران نور

توقيع العضو ; نوران نور

Store for sale in East Lane 250m²

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